Spotless Beauty Cream


Good for face, hands, etc.  Perfect as a daily cream that provides needed nourishment for your skin.  Use it twice daily on target spots or your whole face. A little goes a long ways.

SKU: 73532-32 Category:

Women love this cream!  It is made with a dozen different nourishing herbs that will allow your skin to maintain a even tone, softness, and smooth feel.  Good for face, hands, etc.

Ingredients: apricot kernel oil, beeswax, plantain, horsetail, thuja, uva ursi, sage, marshmallow root, calendula, licorice root, chamomile, celandine, centaury, parsley, ginkgo, milk thistle, and comfrey.

Net wt. 2 or 0.5 oz/14 g